
The picture above? Not me. Just a WordPress stock photo.

Janky Thoughts

Like most people, sometimes a particularly interesting and insightful idea pops into my head… and I promptly forget about it. Then I spend the next hour or so writing about something else entirely.

Over the years, I have rained upon my hapless colleagues an endless streams of such musings in the internal forums of whichever company I happen to be working for at the time.

Sometime in 2021, the idea to create this website popped into my head and, like most other crazy schemes I have, it made sense at the time — the Internet is full of crazy people saying stupid things, what’s one more random voice doing exactly that?

I have an unnatural interest in things that involve numbers and money (mostly money), so finance topics are a common theme. Janky Thoughts begins with a rehashing of a few posts I’ve previously made, and will likely be the delivery mechanism for future crazy musings.

As they say, if you scream loud enough into the abyss of the Internet… then nothing. Nothing. Nobody said this, ever. Forget about it.

The Author

JB (that’s me, the author) is a software engineer by training, and in most years, by trade as well. He is entirely not well-known, so likely, you’ve never heard of him.

Everything in this site is based on his (very limited) formal training in economics and finance, along with whatever he managed to self-teach over the years. Also, random flights of fantasy. Especially the latter.

Also, did I mentioned he’s a software engineer? Talking about finance? Yeah, good luck with that.

To maybe make you feel a little better: He spent a few years working at a hedge fund. He was a software engineer there, though. Learning by osmosis, yes, that’s totally a thing.

Not financial advice

This website is not intended to be financial advice. It is, as mentioned, the unfettered wild ideas of a single person, who has very limited formal training in finance and/or economics.

It is meant to be a base off which to discuss various topics that are of general interest to those who manage their own money, but nothing more than that.

Hell, the title of the site is Janky Thoughts. If that didn’t clue you in…