
Welcome to Janky Thoughts! In this blog-cum-collection, I write about topics that take my interest, mostly with regards to finance. There are 3 main types of posts here:

LearningsLearnings are a collection of semi-educational topics that I’ve learned over the course of my life and work. In these posts, I discuss, in more formal tones, topics that form the foundation of my understanding of the world.
MusingsMusings are semi-long form, unfettered, random thoughts that pop into my head every now and then. Occasionally funny and hopefully informative, musings are my take on the happenings du jour.
Quick notesQuick notes are short form, timely notes that talk about what’s happening at the moment. These are personal observations and notes, and hint at the things that are on my mind at the moment.

For those who are trying to make sense of the world of finance, learnings may be a good place to start. If you just want a light-hearted read, musings may be more your thing, and if you are just trying to see where my head is at, the latest quick notes may be what you want.

Feel free to browse by the type of posts that interest you, or just dive into the latest Janky Thoughts, below!

Latest Janky Thoughts

Green Transition

The Green Transition is the new name given to the idea that human activities are affecting the natural environment negatively, and that effort should be made to transition the economy to a more sustainable and Earth-friendly path.

Over time, it has garnered much discussion both for and against the idea, and right now, is a…

December 12th, 2023: Rabbit’s foot

CPI came in hotter than expected, the exact opposite of what I’ve expected yesterday, yet stocks are up, and my QQQ call spreads made money. Wut?

December 11th, 2023: The Final Countdown

In just a few more hours, we’ll get the latest and final CPI print for 2023, followed 24 hours later by the final PPI print, and on the same day of the PPI print, FOMC rate decisions plus Powell press conference. The next ~40 hours is going to be very interesting indeed.


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