June 4, 2023: Weekend video binge


This is a quick note, which tends to be just off the cuff thoughts/ideas that look at current market situations, and to try to encourage some discussions.

Some have read the prior note, and gone away with a distinctly bearish read. Perhaps this will disabuse you of the notion.

As usual, a reminder that I am not a financial professional by training — I am a software engineer by training, and by trade. The following is based on my personal understanding, which is gained through self-study and working in finance for a few years.

If you find anything that you feel is incorrect, please feel free to leave a comment, and discuss your thoughts.

Alf and Andreas

Alf and Andreas just had a podcast where much of it discusses some of the same liquidity issues I’ve listed in the prior note – “Liquidity worries”. In it, they discuss some of the issues in much more detail than I am able, and give thought to the nuances of each. Well worth a watch if you are sure that the markets will go down (or up) due to these issues.

TL;DR: The world is more complicated than that.


As I’ve noted in “Liquidity worries” and “Synthetic bonds“, I have no clue what the markets will do next, so I’m mostly in a holding pattern right now.

To see what my portfolio looks like, you can use Stockclubs, an app which I’ve invested in, which shows 1 (out of 10+) of my brokerage accounts.

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