June 24, 2023: Weekend video binge – Step-by-step fundamental analysis


This is a quick note, which tends to be just off the cuff thoughts/ideas that look at current market situations, and to try to encourage some discussions.

Richard over at The Plain Bagel made an excellent video about how to do fundamental analysis on a stock. Highly recommended if you are having trouble falling asleep, or are just a data nerd.

As usual, a reminder that I am not a financial professional by training — I am a software engineer by training, and by trade. The following is based on my personal understanding, which is gained through self-study and working in finance for a few years.

If you find anything that you feel is incorrect, please feel free to leave a comment, and discuss your thoughts.

The Plain Bagel

One of my favorite Youtube channels, Richard is, unlike me, an actual financial advisor, though based in Canada.

Here is his excellent video on the high level steps he takes for doing fundamental analysis. It is pretty thorough (he is a professional after all!), and I have to admit that I skip some (ok, fine, many) steps when I do fundamental analysis, but this is a good list to keep in mind.

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