
If you are having trouble finding a specific series of learnings, this may help: Topics only lists the first learnings in a series of related learnings posts, so this may reduce the clutter and make things easier to find.

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Efficient Market Hypothesis

The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is often cited, or at least alluded to, as the reason why everyone should just buy a basket of all stocks in the market, and then hold them passively. However, while I believe that the general advice is reasonable, the premise is, I believe, flawed.

Analyst Reports

Opinions are like rear ends — everyone has one, and most of them smell funny.

Analyst reports are just formal versions of opinions.

Draw your own conclusions.


Leverage can be used to magnify your potential profits (or losses!). However, there are many ways to apply leverage to a portfolio.

Depending on the asset in question, as well as the time horizon of the investment/speculation, different types of leverage may be appropriate.

How to value a company – income statement

How does a company operate? How do we look at a company’s operations and answer the question, “how much is this company worth”?

In this post, we discuss the basics of valuing a company by looking at its income statement.

How Does Trade Execution Work

What happens after you click “Submit Order”? How does whatever you type into a webform or app gets turned into money changing hands, and shares changing hands?

In this post, we explore the high level microstructure of the stock markets, and how it differs for professionals vs retail traders, and where things can go wrong.

Investing vs Speculating

What is investing? What is speculating?

Defining both, and then exploring their differences to see where that leads us.

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