Quick notes

Quick notes are short form, timely notes that talk about what’s happening at the moment. These are personal observations and notes, and hint at the things that are on my mind at the moment.

December 11th, 2023: The Final Countdown

In just a few more hours, we’ll get the latest and final CPI print for 2023, followed 24 hours later by the final PPI print, and on the same day of the PPI print, FOMC rate decisions plus Powell press conference. The next ~40 hours is going to be very interesting indeed.

September 17, 2023: Weekend video binge – Patrick Boyle, Zeke Faux

If you’ve been reading my writing for a while, you’ll probably know that I am a big fan of Patrick Boyle, a hedge fund manager, college finance professor and youtuber. This week, he interviews Zeke Faux, a reporter who investigated and wrote a social historical book on the crypto scene of the past ~3 years.

June 25, 2023: Weekend video binge 2 – Economics fact check

Anyone who talks to me about finance/economics, will know very quickly that I’m a stickler for definitions. It’s really annoying (to me) when people misunderstand economic/financial terms, and then applies the finding wrongly, leading to, often, ridiculous results. In that vein, this particular video hits home, and explains why over-simplifying can be dangerous.

June 13, 2023: Inflation – wrap up

Almost exactly 2 years ago, I made a post about inflation at the time, with some guesses on what will happen in the 2 years hence, i.e. ending around now. Let’s see how badly I did, now that the latest inflation print is out (4% for May 2023).

May 31, 2023: Liquidity worries

The market has been floating on a gush of liquidity since 2009, and while the economy has grown by ~60% since then, stocks have climbed ~560% since the nadir in 2009. What happens if the liquidity spigot goes away? We may be about to find out.


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